Roses and lilies Pleasure
This Bouquet blossoms with roses and lilies to display your love and affection in classic grandeur. Rich red roses, eye-catching pink lilies, are accented with lush greens to form an impressive flower arrangement. Make today sweet with a delivery of the Rose and Lily arrangement and impress someone with the selection of your choice.
This arrangement is handmade using the Following Flowers below:
18 Stems of Premium Red Roses
8 Stems of Pink Lilies
Green Leaves
Wrapped and Presented in Bouquet Box
Substitution: All deliveries are subject to product availability. Substitution of any materials might be necessary to ensure your order arrives on time. Our expert florists will substitute a similar product of equal or greater quality. Flowers cannot be exchanged or refunded; this does not affect your statutory rights.
Delivery: This product is available for Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and Pindi depending upon seaonal availability of the flowers at the time of ordering.Please note that all photos are representative. Therefore the decorations and finishing touches may vary from the picthre which is shown on the website.